E3L (Electrochemical & Environmental Engineering) is a research group belonging to the Chemical Engineering Department of the University of Castilla-La Mancha 8UCLM). Its main activity involves the development of electrochemical technology for several applications such as the potabilization and regeneration of contaminated water, oxidants production, energy systems, remediation of contaminated soils and bio-valorisation of industrial effluents.
Main tasks and responsibilities in the project:
UCLM is responsible for WP4 (tasks 4.1 and 4.2), task 6.3 of WP6 and task 7.2 of WP7. The purpose of these tasks is to optimize and develop the renewable energy sources for electrification (RES requirements, electricity generation and storage), process-level modelling of electricity generation and testing of recovery catalysts for the electrochemical production of hydrogen peroxide.