
Material flow analysis and Geographical Inventory System: Making catalyst resource mapping accessible

One of the objectives of the second work package (WP2), lead by La Palma Research Centre (LPRC), is to conduct a Material Flow Analysis (MFA) on the catalyst materials and develop a Geographical Information System (GIS) inventory of catalysts at European level. The primary objective of this work package is to facilitate  understanding of catalyst resources for the FIREFLY technology.
After successfully selecting and characterising catalyst samples from various industrial processes, followed by a thorough analysis of their chemical composition, mineralogy, moisture content and other properties, researchers at LPRC have been studying materials input and output throughout the FIREFLY process, comparing it with conventional recovery and synthesis routes. The analysis relied on complex equations and models, such as the catalyst framework and mass balance equations.
For the past several months, the material flow analysis (MFA) has studied the input and output of materials throughout the FIREFLY process in comparison with conventional recovery and synthesis routes.
The general catalyst framework uses model equations and subsequent computational operations over the course of one year. These operations define values such as outflows, stock changes to ultimately determine the stock of catalyst materials.

Solving the recycling loop
The research team at LPRC placed additional efforts in solving the recycling loop, listing defining equations for various parameters and integrating them into the mass balance equation of the process, which is calculated on a yearly basis.

Geographical Inventory System

By leveraging data compiled with the MFA which contain geographical data, the research team will put together a GIS database. Using the selective catalytic reduction catalysts example, with its coal power plant installed capacity at statistical geographical classification level [nomenclature of territorial units for statistics (NTUS-2)], WP2 is building a comprehensive inventory of catalyst resources across Europe.

Looking ahead, this preliminary database will be handed over to INLECOM, leader of WP5, enabling access to GIS data through a user-friendly interface, making catalyst resource mapping accessible for all stakeholders involved.

NUTS 2 NUTS name Country Capacity
NUTS 2 NUTS name Country Capacity
AT12 Niederösterreich Austria 392 DE11 Stuttgart Germany 1 686
AT22 Steiermark Austria 220 DE12 Karlsruhe Germany 1 462
AT31 Oberösterreich Austria 150 DE21 Oberbayern Germany 805
BG32 Severen tsentralen Bulgaria 290 DE30 Berlin Germany 998
BG33 Severoiztochen Bulgaria 152 DE40 Brandenburg Germany 4 600
BG34 Yugoiztochen Bulgaria 271 DE50 Bremen Germany 805
BG41 Yugozapaden Bulgaria 816 DE60 Hamburg Germany 1 910
BG42 Yuzhen tsentralen Bulgaria 120 DE71 Darmstadt Germany 510
HR03 Jadranska Hrvatska Croatia 335 DE80 Mecklenburg-
Germany 514
CZ02 Střední Čechy Czech Republic 1 248 DE91 Braunschweig Germany 520
CZ03 Jihozápad Czech Republic 111 DE92 Hannover Germany 300
CZ04 Severozápad Czech Republic 3 518 DE94 Weser-Ems Germany 1 570
CZ05 Severovýchod Czech Republic 1 040 DEA1 Düsseldorf Germany 8 374
CZ08 Morayskoslezsko Czech Republic 800 DEA2 Köln Germany 5 435
DK01 Hovedstaden Denmark 343 DEA3 Münster Germany 1 532
DK02 Sjælland Denmark 827 DEA4 Detmold Germany 875
DK03 Syddanmark Denmark 860 DEA5 Arnsberg Germany 610
DK04 Midtjylland Denmark 375 DECO Saarland Germany 2 216
DK05 Nordjylland Denmark 740 DED2 Dresden Germany 582
FI19 Länsi-Suomi Finland 1 043 DED5 Leipzig Germany 1 866
FI1B Helsinki-Uusimaa Finland 463 DEEO Sachsen-Anhalt Germany 960
FI1C Etelä-Suomi Finland 388 DEFO Schleswig-Holstein Germany 290
FR23 Haute-Normandie France 600 EL53 Dytiki Makedonia Greece 3 401
FR41 Lorraine France 595 EL65 Peloponnisos Greece 511
FR51 Pays de la Loire France 1 160 HU21 Közép-Dunántúl Hungary 294
FR82 Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur France 600 HU31 Észak-Magyarország Hungary 836
IE02 Southern and Eastern Ireland 915 PT16 Centro Portugal 628
ITC3 Liguria Italy 136 PT18 Alentejo Portugal 1250
ITC4 Lombardia Italy 139 RO11 Nord-Vest Romania 145
ITF4 Puglia Italy 3 280 RO21 Nord-Est Romania 200
ITG2 Sardegna Italy 1 230 RO31 Sud Muntenia Romania 150
ITH3 Veneto Italy 805 RO41 Sud-Vest Oltenia Romania 4505
ITH4 Friuli-Venezia Giulia Italy 336 RO42 Vest Romania 1308
ITI2 Umbria Italy 130 SK02 Západné Slovensko Slovakia 266
ITI4 Lazio Italy 980 SK04 Východné Slovensko Slovakia 220
NL11 Groningen Netherlands 600 SI03 Vzhodna Slovenija Slovenia 1 420
NL32 Noord-Holland Netherlands 680 ES11 Galicia Spain 1960
NL33 Zuid-Holland Netherlands 2 871 ES12 Principado de Asturias Spain 2123
NL41 Noord-Brabant Netherlands 643 ES24 Aragón Spain 1 055
PL11 Łódzkie Poland 4960 ES41 Castilla y León Spain 2 594
PL12 Mazowieckie Poland 3 954 ES42 Castilla-La Mancha Spain 296
PL21 Małopolskie Poland 1 214 ES61 Andalucía Spain 990
PL22 Śląskie Poland 5 690 SE11 Stockholm Sweden 114
PL33 Świętokrzyskie Poland 1 575 UKC2 Northumberland and
Tyne and Wear
United Kingdom 420
PL34 Podlaskie Poland 157 UKD6 Cheshire United Kingdom 2 000
PL41 Wielkopolskie Poland 2 255 UKE2 North Yorkshire United Kingdom 480
PL42 Zachodniopomorskie Poland 1 424 UKE4 West Yorkshire United Kingdom 500
PL51 Dolnośląskie Poland 1 599 UKF1 Derbyshire and
United Kingdom 924
PL52 Opolskie Poland 710 UKG2 Shropshire and
United Kingdom 1 000
PL61 Kujawsko-pomorskie Poland 283 UKL2 East Wales United Kingdom 500
PL63 Pomorskie Poland 322 UKM2 Eastern Scotland United Kingdom 2400
UKNO Northern Ireland United Kingdom 520

For background information on the activities of WP2, access the following article.